Sunday, October 4, 2009

acorn jelly

isi isi penting -
-curse too much
-donghae's birthday
-eunhyuk buruk ???!!!
-family gathering
-GD tak oily
-sakit sial
-apa lagi ??

perenggan satu-

these days, i curse a lot. why ah ?? maybe because syaitan dah keluar. watching ghost stories, and then the ghost appear and i went all "wtf ??!!!". GD looks so hot in heartbreaker i went all "f*cklah, gila hot". aqilah tunjuk video abaracadabra touching i went all "bodoh f*ck. (byk byk)" asal ahh ??? isk isk.

perenggan dua-

donghae's birthday is next next week! his 24th birthday!

perenggan tiga-

gila tak buruk! tapi benda yang dia pakai tu buruk lahhh!! mcm bra jatpi dia tetap hot :D

perenggan empat-

i think,,,,, kalau tak buat family gathering pon tak pa lah.because, kak ida's not here and nenek's not here. and then mak uda's having a hard time taking care of alina nanti. duit pon tak da. tak pa tak pa.
keluar pergi starbucks sudah cukop! hahaha!

perenggan lima-

GD looks so freaking hot in heartbreaker! serious! gila hot! hahah! dah lah dia skinny semua! isk isk isk!

perenggan enam-

period ni, menyusahkan. sakit siall!

perenggan tujuh-

serious, aku tak tau nak tulis apa!!

aku bgi kau gbr gbr cute je lahh -.-

dua bawah ni THE BEST!
hot gila!

esp this one!!
hot gila!